Saturday, January 7, 2012

Ultrasounds and Registrys

Well it has been a month or so since I wrote last but I was waiting to let everyone know the good news. We went for an unofficial ultrasound and found out that we are having a boy! We are very excited now and are feeling very overwhelmed. There is so much to get done before he comes and so many things to buy. With him being our first baby we have absolutely nothing except a crib. The only reason we have a crib is because it is the one my grandfather built for me when I was a baby. My dad saved it all these years and I am glad to have it. We actually went and registered at Babies R US and Target today so we have lots of things to look forward to hopefully receiving. Any gifts we get will be so welcomed. There is so much to do before our baby boy arrives in June. I am very nervous but I am going to be doing a lot of praying as well. Any love and support is greatly appreciated!